Skin Archives - Gila Rut Salon Skin Archives - Gila Rut Salon

Update that Image!
Apr 09, 2011

As a 46 year old Salon Owner, wife and mother of a 2.5 year old, I am always striving to look and feel great. I almost feel it is my obligation to look the part, but where do I look for an updated image? I am lucky enough to have a team of amazing make-up artists and stylists that are looking out for my best interest. About every 6 months I get a gentle (or not so gentle) nudge that it is time for an image update.

I have also found my inspiration from an outside influence. ~ Where, you ask? An un-likely source J-Lo. Yes, Jennifer Lopez. I admit it, I watch American Idol every week. Two reasons: one, I do like to watch the upcoming musical talent. Two, I LOVE to see what Jennifer will be wearing and even better, how her hair and make up will be … Read More

Gila Rut hits New York Fashion Week 2011
Mar 07, 2011

Another successful trip to NYFW (fashion week) I’ll share the highlights & keep it short & sweet…………
What’s hot this season? Read on…
The clothing have a beautiful classic look with strong linear edges. It seemed most designers were inspired by the minimal. Beautifully hand crafted materials & soft tones of blue, red & gray were the hit this season.
The hair was classic. Ponytails, lopped ballerina buns & romantic curls all polished to perfection with the help of Aveda’s Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightener & the hold of the Control Force hairspray.
The Make-Up was fresh & light with deep tones of peach for the cheeks. The lips were glossy with a hint of pink and for the eyes were a light shadow to give a ‘bright eyed’ look.
Stay tuned for your access to the next shows & fashion trends, coming fall of 2011

check us out … Read More

New York Fashion Week, Here I Come…
Aug 13, 2010


I just got back from one of my favorite places, NYC! I am happy to leave the heat & humidity, but it was all worth it, as my journey was the start of a new adventure.

What the “H” am I talking about you ask? Well I was in Hot ass, Humid ass, Manhattan to train for the ‘2010 Fall Fashion’ Week!!!!!

I can hardly hold back my excitement. I wish I had a lot of cool stuff to share with you, but the truth is what I learned would probably not appeal to you, LOL. It might even appear ugly to most people. Let’s not forget that most fashion & hair trends always start that way.

I had the opportunity to learn from Jon Reyman, an amazing stylist & veteran to Fashion week. He will be heading our team for this year’s back stage madness.

All I have … Read More

Feeling The Pinch?
Feb 05, 2010

Feeling the Pinch?

As our economic climate continues to waver, at times we feel
the ‘pinch’ is on. Whether it is emotional, financial or physical, we
ask ourselves, ‘what’s important’? And if looking and feeling good
is one of your answers, you’re not alone. Lets face it; hair, skin and
make up are quintessential accessories. Small, inexpensive
changes make a world of difference. When we feel great, we
look better. Looking beautiful is more than just an exterior fix, it is
and internal journey.

5 Tips on looking and feeling your best: Beauty on a Budget

1. Your hair is your best accessory. Your hair-style is not a life-sentence. It is your god-given right to change it up. Look
through magazines, talk to your stylist and make one change
with your hair. Be it colour, cut or just styling it entirely
different. Make that change! This will renew and inspire … Read More