April 2017 - Gila Rut Salon April 2017 - Gila Rut Salon

Earth Month At Gila Rut
Apr 19, 2017

Creative Commons | Source: Pexels

April is an exciting month for us here at Gila Rut because we are celebrating Earth Month! Every year, we partner with one local organization and one global organization in an effort to protect clean water and to be the best stewards of the Earth that we can be.

This year’s local organization is the San Diego chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, which works tirelessly to keep our beaches and coastal waters clean. We also donate to the Global Greengrants Fund, who partner with Aveda to set up clean water systems in third world countries.

As a salon family, we are fortunate to be able to work with two strong organizations that care about the environment as much as we do. If you’d like to get involved, you can stop by any of our three San Diego locations to purchase a raffle ticket, … Read More