August 2010 - Gila Rut Salon August 2010 - Gila Rut Salon

New York Fashion Week, Here I Come…
Aug 13, 2010


I just got back from one of my favorite places, NYC! I am happy to leave the heat & humidity, but it was all worth it, as my journey was the start of a new adventure.

What the “H” am I talking about you ask? Well I was in Hot ass, Humid ass, Manhattan to train for the ‘2010 Fall Fashion’ Week!!!!!

I can hardly hold back my excitement. I wish I had a lot of cool stuff to share with you, but the truth is what I learned would probably not appeal to you, LOL. It might even appear ugly to most people. Let’s not forget that most fashion & hair trends always start that way.

I had the opportunity to learn from Jon Reyman, an amazing stylist & veteran to Fashion week. He will be heading our team for this year’s back stage madness.

All I have … Read More