July 2010 - Gila Rut Salon July 2010 - Gila Rut Salon

Aww, the Glamor of the Emmys!
Jul 01, 2010

We are so fortunate to have been asked to do the hair and make up for the 37th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards. We got the call 10 days before the event and were asked if we could pull together a team of 10 for this event. I said ” I will try” with such short notice, I gathered my Creative Team together, ran it by them and prayed for a ~yes~…Not only did I get a ‘yes’, I got a ‘hell yeah’! I have the most amazing team in the industry.

They were all so excited to embark on this journey together. We booked our flights to Vegas, leaving at 8:30 a.m. and to return at 11:00 p.m. O.K. game on! We land in Vegas and get picked up in style by a huge Limo…pull up to the Hilton to see the red carpet being rolled out. (not for us … Read More